Monthly Archives: April 2011

TIL: iCacls & Reg.exe

Haven’t needed to mess with iCacls in the past. Needed to use it today though but the command line help doesn’t quite explain everything.. In particular I didn’t know what (OI) (CI) and (IO) meant.


  • IO: Inherit Only – This flag indicates that this ACE does not apply to the current object.
  • CI: Container Inherit – This flag indicates that subordinate containers will inherit this ACE.
  • OI: Object Inherit – This flag indicates that subordinate files will inherit the ACE.
  • On a different note, I can’t believe I didn’t know it was possible to query the registry from the command line! Head to your nearest Windows command line and run Reg.exe query /? for more information (or just reg.exe /? for adding/removing/etc).


    From all the NSIS posts I made you’d think that was my main job. Not the case. But I think I was starting to like it.

    I was pulled installer work to do more routine stuff so I haven’t had too many “Today I learned …” opportunities. Today I’m working some VBScript for some odd jobs. It’s one of those silly languages that I relearn and forget as need arises. Going to use this entry as a cheat-sheet to accelerate the relearning phase when I next need to.