Some notes I took as I went through trying to compile the C++ driver for mongodb under win32.
- Hit up MongoDB C++ Page
- Downloaded driver linked from Driver Download Page & some other prerequisites
- Went to C++ Driver Compiling and Linking and scrolled down to Windows
- Hrm. I’d rather not have to mess with scons … so how do I build the lib?
- WTF? I want to try including client/mongo_client_lib.cpp in my project but IT’S NOT IN THE FRAKING ARCHIVE!
- OK. Fine. Let’s fire up git and clone the full git source.
- Ahh…. ok, found mongo_client_lib.cpp. Why the hell even bother putting up the tar ball?
- Loaded simple_client_demo into visual studio.
- Boost missing. Ok .. Let’s set up project to point to proper includes and precompiled libraries
- Holy shit that compiled.
- Fired up MongoDB Shell and created a collection.
- Ran through the debugger. Everything works, but how come code references but in the shell it shows name is just ‘foo?
- Apparently didn’t need perl regex files? (referenced elsewhere)
- bo and bob? really?! (in bson seralization class)