Author Archives: Angel Marquez

TIL: About Visual Studio C++ and ‘for each in’

Most C++ developers are familiar using with for_each() when iterating over an STL collection. But a few months ago as I read a blog post about the ‘auto’ keyword over at Marc Gregoire’s Blog I was dumbstruck when saw the following example:

[sourcecode language=”cpp”]
for each (auto m in myMap)
tcout << _T("Map element ") << m.first << _T(": ");
for each(auto e in m.second)
tcout << _T("'") << e << _T("', ");
tcout << endl;

What the heck was this ‘for each’ without an underscore business? Apparently I’d been painfully unaware of this new syntax since 2004!!! It’s Microsoft/Visual Studio specific. But since my primary project is Windows-based through and through, you can bet I’ll be making use of this beauty to keep my code cleaner.


PS. Do note, though, that this syntax automatically dereferences iterators, so it’s not useful if you need to do iterator manipulation.

NSIS trivia

Today I learned:

  • Modern UI dialogs are 140×300 pixels
  • nsDialogs::create 1018 creates a standard dialog according to the docs for NSDialogs, but most code uses 1044 instead (todo: investigate difference)
  • The Modern UI also has control 1040 for the welcome and the finish page.

NSIS Section flag tests

Today I learned:

[sourcecode language=”Python”]
SectionGetFlags ${SEC_AI}      $0
${If} $0 == ${SF_SELECTED}

I was using the above code and getting inconsistent behavior. Turns out ${SF_SELECTED} is defined in sections.nsh bitmask style. The statement above ONLY works for a section that is selected and has no other attributes set. A read-only section that is selected, for example, will be set to “17” — 1 (selected) + 16 (readonly). Turns out that LogicLib has a way to make life easier:

[sourcecode language=”python”]
${If} ${SectionIsSelected} ${SEC_AI}